Thursday, February 2, 2023
Waltham, MA
Catie Curtis and Mark Erelli • Wildflower Winter Warmer
The Charles River Museum of Industry & Innovation
Wildflower Winter Warmer – To support summer camp experiences for grieving children
Venue: 154 Moody St., Waltham, MA
Doors to open at 6:45 pm-- Cash beer/wine/seltzer/water
Catie Curtis at 7:30 pm
Intermission at 8:10 pm
Mark Erelli at 8:20 pm
Drawing at 9 pm
Tickets – general admission $40/ticket; preferred admission $100/ticket (includes front of house seating; free drink ticket; entry into drawing)
Please contact our Director of Development, Melissa Mirick, for any questions regarding the event at
Waltham, MA
Purchase tickets online: Tickets through Wildflower
Website: The Charles River Museum of Industry & Innovation

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