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I have heard from Trina Shoemaker, my engineer/producer/friend, who lives in New Orleans with her baby son Waylon.  They have relocated to Alabama for the time being. She says:

"Hey there,
We're doing okay right now.  The house is definitely flooded.  I saw a satellite photo of my rooftop.  Part of it is blown off and there is water everywhere.  I'm feeling really bad but don't worry because we'll find our way out of this unspeakable mess.  Please let everyone know we're okay."

I've made my way to the Red Cross website now, and I know we're all looking for other ways to help.  through MoveOn.Org looks like it's doing a great thing.  Also, here's another way to donate, through the NAACP:  link

My favorite benefit concert is coming up on September 9 in Kingston, MA, for RideFAR.  I've played it a couple times and I love it because every single dime raised goes to support AIDS resources, and the spirit of the event is always very positive.  This year Lori McKenna is on the bill, too.  I also have shows lined up in NH and RI.  Then comes a nice tour of the Northwest US, from Seattle to Berkeley, California.    

Take good care out there,